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Shallow (small, low).

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Q: What kind of gradient would be necessary to form an oxbow?
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Were would sediment likely be eroded to help form an oxbow?

at B

How do you find the gradient of a Linear Equation?

If necessary, rearrange the linear equation so that it is in the slope-intercept form: y = mx + c Then the gradient of the line is m.

What is a curved lake found on the flood plain of a river?

You are referring to an oxbow lake. Oxbow lakes form as a river deposits sediment and changes course over time.

A meander that is cut off from the main course of a river becomes a?

Sometimes a meandering river forms a feature called an oxbow lake. An oxbow lake is a meander that has been cut off from the river. An oxbow lake may form when a river floods. EW

Characteristics of an oxbow lake?

Oxbow lakes are u-shaped bodies of water that form when a river is cut off. It cuts off a meander of the river and forms a free body of water.

When part of a large meandering river is cut off from the main river channel which feature can form?

an oxbow lake can form

Does the River Tees have an Oxbow lake?

No it does not. It is fairly flat through its length without the meanders which lead to ox-bow lakes.

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How long does it take for an oxbow lake to form?

It can take months and years for it to fom.

How do oxbow lakes form?

Oxbow Lake Formation An Oxbow Lake is a development of a meander, thanks to erosion and deposition. The neck/bend of the meander grows narrower and narrower and eventually the river just takes a shortcut of straight on ahead instead of going around the neck/bend. Soon the loop of the meander is sealed off altogether and it turns into an oxbow lake.In time the lake will get covered with weeds, fill with soil and will disappear. If you doing this for work/school I suggest you use diagrams/pictures to show each stage.

Is there any lake near river meanders?

A river can create meanders (bends) which can form a separate lake known as an oxbow lake.

In which form does a cell temporarily store the energy from electrons?

As a proton gradient