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Different atoms either have a different number of protons(which makes them different elements) or a different number of neutrons (which makes them isotopes of the same element).

For example, hydrogen has one proton (and usually no neutrons) while helium has two protons (and usually two neutrons). However, hydrogen with one proton and two neutrons is called tritium(3H) while helium with two protons and one neutron is called helium-3 (3He).

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12y ago
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10y ago

Primarily the number of protons in the atoms nucleus (which is the same as the number of electrons it has).

Secondarily in the number of neutrons in the atoms nucleus (for isotopes).

Also it is the "surface" of the atom that gives it is unique chemical properties. The protons and neutrons are deep inside the atom and it is the electrons that form the "surface". Therefore it would be true to say that it is the electrons (their number and which electron shells are filled) that give atoms their properties and make one element different from another.

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12y ago

The core of an atom is comprised of neutrons and protons. While the number neutrons in an atom may vary in an element, the number of protons must stay the same.

That means Hydrogen will always have 1 proton, helium will have 2 protons, lithium will have 3 protons, ect...

T>o sum it up: Its the number of protons in the core of an atom.

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11y ago

The number of protons in the nuclei of their atoms. This is the atomic number of an element and each element has its own unique atomic number.

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14y ago

every atom has a unique number of protons, and proton number equals electron number.

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14y ago

the Atomic Mass and the number of protons and neutrons that the atom has

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15y ago

the number of neutrons, protons and electrons that they're made up of.

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What makes one atom of an element different from another?

The atomic number or z number or the number of protons is what makes one atom different from another. The atomic number or z number or the number of protons is what makes one atom different from another.

What makes one elemtn different from another?

The atoms of each element have a number of protons that is unique to each element. The number of protons makes one atom different from another.

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The atoms of each element have a number of protons that is unique to each element. The number of protons makes one atom different from another.

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atom and elements are different because one atom makes an element and a element is a pure substance and a atom is a basic particle

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atom and elements are different because one atom makes an element and a element is a pure substance and a atom is a basic particle

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One element differs from another element by the number of protons in their atoms. The number of protons in the atom is known as the atomic number. Also one isotope of an element differs from another isotope of the same element by the number of neutrons in their atoms.

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the number of electrons can be different; it makes the element become an ion.

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Its protons. The atom changes depending on how many protons it has. See also atomic number.

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Elements are pure substances that cannot be broken down by chemical means. The atoms of each element have a number of protons that is unique to each element. The number of protons makes one atom different from another.

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It is the same for each and every element, it's the number of protons in the nucleus of one atom of the element.

What is amount of protons found in the nucleus of an atom?

Every different element has a different number of protons, that is what differentiates it from another element, so there is no answer to your question until you specify which atom you're talking about.