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It is a mechanical mixture because of its many parts. :)

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Dell Herzog

Lvl 10
2y ago
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12y ago

Actually air contains a lot of things: GasVolumeNitrogen (N2)780,840 ppm (78.084%)Oxygen (O2)209,460 ppm (20.946%)Argon (Ar)9,340 ppm (0.9340%)Carbon dioxide (CO2)390 ppm (0.039%)Neon (Ne)18.18 ppm (0.001818%)Helium (He)5.24 ppm (0.000524%)Methane (CH4)1.79 ppm (0.000179%)Krypton (Kr)1.14 ppm (0.000114%)Hydrogen (H2)0.55 ppm (0.000055%)Nitrous oxide (N2O)0.3 ppm (0.00003%)Carbon monoxide (CO)0.1 ppm (0.00001%)Xenon (Xe)0.09 ppm (9×10−6%) (0.000009%)Ozone (O3)0.0 to 0.07 ppm (0 to 7×10−6%)Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)0.02 ppm (2×10−6%) (0.000002%)Iodine (I2)0.01 ppm (1×10−6%) (0.000001%)Ammonia (NH3)traceNot included in above dry atmosphere:Water vapor (H2O)~0.40% over full atmosphere, typically 1%-4% at surface

THIS ARE SOME MAIN COMPOUNDS.Again we can include dust,smoke, CFC so on..... its a big list!!.

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14y ago

Yes, it is a substance, it is also a gas mixture.

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13y ago

78.08% Nitrogen, 20.94% Oxygen, 0.93% Argon, 0.4% Carbon Dioxide, 1-4% water depending on where you are.

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12y ago

A Gaseous Solution of several different gasses.

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9y ago

Nitrogen: 78%

Oxygen: 21%

Noble gases: <1

Carbon dioxide COMPOUND: 0.04%

Water Vapour COMPOUND: Variable

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11y ago

The common gases include water vapour, oxygen, nitrogen, argon, CO2, and traces of rarer gases such as neon.

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14y ago

Air in the Earth's atmosphere is about 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen with the remaining 1% comprised of argon, carbon dioxide, water vapour and a few other gases.

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Q: What substances in air are elements?
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What are the properties of Elements? elements are substances that CAN be split up. (Y) your mum. What are the properties of Elements? elements are substances that CAN be split up. (Y) your mum.

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