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Male-Masculanity & (female-Femininity) child must be brought up as below : Freedom (Restriction) Independant (Dependant) Brave (Fear) Confidence (Inferiority Complex) Sundararaj,

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Q: What traits are culturally determine and associated with maleness and femaleness are termed?
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Why is Allah thought to be the genderless?

because maleness and femaleness are human qualities and would thus limit Gods nature.

Why is it important to us to know the predominate attributes of maleness and femaleness?

Because if not, males would marry males and females would marry females and no children would be born then human kind would be extinct. Source: from my own brain. xD :3 hope you like my brainless answer

Why is it important for us to know the predominate attributes of maleness and femaleness?

Because if not, males would marry males and females would marry females and no children would be born then human kind would be extinct. Source: from my own brain. xD :3 hope you like my brainless answer

What hormone promotes maleness?

Testosterone is the hormone. It is secreted by testis

What is the medical term meaning pertaining to maleness?


What rhymes with paleness?

hale, male, rail, smell, tail

Which chromosome carries a gene which is essential for maleness?

The Y Chromosome.

Who led the maleness government at the time of the attack on pearl harbor?

Because Chinese deter Japan

What is the patriarchal dividend?

the patriarchal dividend is the privilege that is given to all men in a society that, openly or otherwise, favors males, maleness, or masculinity. this does not mean that all the men who benefit from this privilege are sexist, misogynistic, or gynophobic. nor does it mean that the culture/country in which they live openly embraces its patriarchal heritage (e.g. saudi arabia, afghanistan, china, and india); the patriarchal dividend even occurs in countries and cultures where women's rights are generally considered worthwhile and society at large has made conscious efforts to discourage sexism, misogyny, gynophobia, and gender typification (countries such as france, the united states, and the united kingdom). the patriarchal dividend, simply put, is the conscious (or unconscious) precedence a society places on the welfare of its males over its females, and the trend towards favoring "maleness" over "femaleness" (hegemonic masculinity).

What does the goddess Virtue symbolize?

The goddess Virtue symbolizes moral excellence, goodness, and ethical behavior. She is often associated with qualities such as honesty, integrity, and righteousness. Virtue is seen as a guiding principle for individuals to lead a virtuous life.

How does y chromosome determine maleness in humans?

XX = female. XY= male because the Y chromosome has SRY gene (Sex-deterimining Region Y). The SRY gene in mammals makes the body produce testis which makes testosterone making the foetus male. For more information, please see the related link below.

What medical terminology means pertaining to maleness?

Gonadopathy is a medical term for disease of the sex glands.Gonadopathy is disease of the sex glands.