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Sound is manifested as a compression wave in a medium. the energy compresses and rarefies the medium transferring the energy to another location (and getting dissipated along the way).

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Q: What type of waves are sound waves and how do they transfer energy?
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What type of wave is the method of sound energy transfer?

Sound travels in mechanical longitudinal waves.

Which type of wave can only transfer energy through a medium?

Mechanical waves can only transfer energy through a medium. These waves require a medium, such as air or water, to propagate and transfer energy. Examples of mechanical waves include sound waves and seismic waves.

What type of energy is transferred by vibrational wave?

Vibrational waves transfer mechanical energy. This type of energy is associated with the motion of objects or particles, such as atoms vibrating in a solid material. This movement results in the transfer of energy through the material in the form of vibrational waves.

What kind of wave uses matter to transfer energy?

A mechanical wave uses matter to transfer energy. This type of wave requires a medium, such as air or water, to propagate. Sound waves and seismic waves are examples of mechanical waves.

What type of appliance would transfer electrical energy into sound energy?

A loudspeaker or a speaker would transform electrical energy into sound energy by converting electrical signals into vibrations that produce sound waves.

What do waves carry or transfer?

Waves can carry energy and information across space. The type of wave determines what exactly is being carried - for example, sound waves carry energy that we perceive as sound, while electromagnetic waves carry energy and information in the form of light or radio signals.

How Radiation is the transfer of energy by which type of wave?

Radiation is the transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves.

What type of disturbance transmits Energy through a medium?

A wave is the type of disturbance that transmits energy through a medium. Waves can be mechanical, like sound waves and seismic waves, or electromagnetic, like light and radio waves. Waves transfer energy by causing particles in the medium to oscillate back and forth.

What type of energy moves through longitudinal waves?

Longitudinal waves transmit energy through the vibration of particles in the same direction as the wave propagation. This type of energy transfer is characteristic of sound waves in air or other materials where the particles oscillate parallel to the wave direction.

What type of waves can only transfer energy through a medium?

Mechanical waves, such as sound waves and water waves, require a medium (solid, liquid, or gas) to propagate and transfer energy. These waves rely on the interaction of particles in the medium to transmit the disturbance from one point to another.

Which type of wave can only transfer energy though a medium?

Mechanical waves can only transfer energy through a medium because they rely on the vibration and movement of particles in the medium to propagate. Sound waves are an example of mechanical waves that require a medium such as air, water, or solids to travel.

Which type of wave needs a medium?

Mechanical waves, such as sound waves and seismic waves, require a medium (solid, liquid, or gas) to propagate. The medium helps transfer the energy of the wave from one point to another by causing particles of the medium to vibrate.