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Q: What was AG Bell favourite experiment?
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What is bell's favourite pastime?

reading books

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What is drake bells favourite restaurant?

Taco Bell because Bell is his last name

Why did ag bell attend Edinburgh royal high school?

becus hea wasnted too

What are the IV an DV of Pavlov's dog experiment and The Skinner box experiment?

The IV in Pavlov's experiment is the bell and DV is the [amount of] salivation. The reason is that the salivation is dependent on the bell ringing. The IV in Skinner's experiment is the food reward and the DV is the amount of time it took to push the lever.

What is the foam block for in the Bell Jar experiment?

The foam block is used to support the bell jar and create a seal with the baseplate. This helps to create a vacuum inside the bell jar by preventing air from entering or escaping during the experiment.

How did bell invent his experiment?

he heard a and that invented the telephone ping

What is in independent variable?

in pavlov's experiment the bell is an independent variable. pavlov controlled the bell and recorded the response of the dogs.

Was it the spilled acid which caused AG bell's first telephone to work?

Salt acide made first bell telephone work. Dusan nikolov new belgrade serbian

What is tinker bell?

Her Talent is too build and experiment, to Tinker with technology.

What is the aim of the experiment for Pavlov salivating dogs experiment?

Pavlov's experiment was an experiment of classical conditioning. Everyone knows that when a dog sees food it salivates. In Pavlov's experiment, he rang a bell every time he gave food to his dogs. Eventually, Pavlov found that even when he rang the bell, but did not give his dogs food, they would still salivate. The dogs had become conditioned to expect food when they heard the bell. Therefore, even if there was no food given, they would still salivate at the sound of the bell. He proved that an unrelated stimulus could provoke an uncontrollable, biological response.

What is independent variable in psycology?

in pavlov's experiment the bell is an independent variable. pavlov controlled the bell and recorded the response of the dogs.