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pudding is sweew

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Waldo Mayer

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Q: What would happen if materials did not decay?
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What would happen if dead food would not decay?

you could eat it

What would happen if things didn't decay?

its my question of course i cant answer it!

What would happen to a human if they died on the moon?

they would stay on the moon and they may not decay.

Does decay happen faster in dry or humid weather?

Decay happens at a faster rate in humid weather. Humidity is caused by excess moisture in the air. Water is notorious for decomposing organic materials faster.

If plants and animals live forever what would happen to the nitrates in the earths soil?

it would decay

What materials can decay easily?


What would happen if you don't brush your teeth daily?

its simple. you get tooth decay and have to have a filling

What would happen if the rate at which materials naturally move in or out of the atmosphere changed?

Either more or less materials would be in the atmosphere.

When did State of Decay happen?

State of Decay happened on 1980-12-13.

Why are radioactive materials used to date rocks rocks?

Radioactive materials decay at predictable rates

What will happen to the stump over time?

The stump will decay/erode and collapse into the sea.

What conditions does decay happen faster?

Decay needs three elements in order to take place. 1. Water 2. Oxygen 3.Suitable heat Decay will respire, generate heat and breakdown materials producing carbon dioxide and water over a large surface area. So, the more holes in the container the more of what you want will decompose as more of the materials are exposed to the three elements above and will enable other microrganisms like fungi and bacteria to help with the decay process.