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The oldest known fossils are up to 3.5 billion years old.

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Q: When did the first fossils form?
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What do the fossils in Pokemon Sapphire turn into?

You can find two fossils in the dessert where you need the go-goggles, but you can only choose one fossil. The root fossil contains the first evolve form of cradily and the claw fossil contains the first evolved form of armaldo.

Does lamprophyre form fossils?

A lamprophyre is a type of ultramafic intrusive igneous rock. It is very rare for fossils to be formed in igneous rocks (and they usually only form as mold fossils in extrusive deposits). As such fossils will not form in lamprophyres.

What is fossil form a specific time period?

Index fossils (also known as guide fossils, indicator fossils or zone fossils).

Can petrified fossils form when the minerals in water make a copy of the organism?

Yes petrified fossils can form that way :)

Most fossils form in?

Flowers Fossils come out of sedimentary rock. == ==

How did fossils form?

by having a poo

What year was the fossils found?

The fossils were first found in 1983

What are the types of fossils?

molds and casts, trace fossils, petrified wood, and carbon filmThe four types of fossils are mold fossils, cast fossils, true-form fossils, and trace fossils. Mold fossils are impressions from when the plant or animal first decomposed. Cast fossils are plant or animal remains. True-form fossils are remaining body parts from an animal. Trace fossils are marks that have been left by animal, such as footprints.

Why do animals form the best fossils?

That question can only be answered by a question. Why do you think animals form the best fossils? This question is only a opinion.

When do most fossils form?

Fossils form when something dies and it decays over theyears. Thenall you see are the bones. Like dinosaurs bones!

How do fossils from in rocks?

Some fossils are not rocks, but they form because there is so much pressure and it blends

List several ways in which fossils can be made?

Fossils can form by: Freezing Amber Asphalt Carbonization