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Q: When scientists group objects together according to their characteristics this process is called?
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magnify glass
Related questions

What is it called when a group of scientists group objects together according to their characteristics?


Who Grouping together events ideas and objects that share similar characteristics?

concept formation apex

Why do scientists group animals with certain traits together?

Scientist like to group objects to gather (rocks, animals, ect.ect.)

Why do groups of scientists often work together and why is it important for scientists to describe objects completely?

if groups of scientists didn't work together they would go at different speeds and probably get different results need to describe it completely so that when they use that same factor in an experiment they have the data.

Differentiate comparing from classifying in science?

Comparing means finding the similarities and differences between two objects, while Classifying means grouping of objects according to their common characteristics

What do scientists use microscopes for?

so scientists can detect smaller objects to study

What was the first ways scientists divided and classified objects found in the environment?

The first way scientists classified objects in an environment was by using quadrats

Grouping means creating separate collections of records sharing some common characteristic?


What are related objects called?

Related objects are called replicas and are associated in the characteristics.

Is a template for creating a set of objects having common characteristics and behaviour?

A Class. classes are the blueprint for construct objects with the same characteristics and behaviours.

What is giving a object human characteristics?

Anthropomorphism is giving objects human characteristics.

How does the microscope help in the scientists?

Microscope helps the scientists by magnifying the objects which are not visible to naked eye.