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I believe you find that information in the nucleus.

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Q: Where do you find DNA and heredity information for the cell?
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What is the name of the organelle that contains the heredity information included in DNA?

The eukaryotic Cell nucleus.

What is the DNA function?

DNA controls the cell's functions and heredity.

How are characteristics transferred to the next generation?

DNA determines what characteristics the cell would have. When a cell divides, the chromosomes containing DNA are split in half. Half of the DNA from the original cell is carried by each of the resulting cells.

What molecule might have been the first one to hold heredity information and be the base of cell biochemistry?

It was DNA molecule

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What is the heredity material in a cell called?

The hereditary material in a cell is deoxyribnucleaic acid (DNA).

Where is heredity information stored?

In chromosomes which are stored in DNA strands.

What is the center of heredity in a cell?

It is known as the nucleus which houses DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).

Where the cell gets instructions for heredity?

The DNA inside the nucleus. It is called chromatin.

What is the inherited information that determines the cells function?

Heredity is conveyed from generation to generation by molecules called DNA or nucleic acids. Genomeic DNA present in nucleus operate the cell. The information needed for a synthesis of protein or RNA is transcribed from DNA. It transcribed to RNA first and then it make the proteins in the cell.

What carries all the information for the traits you have inherited from your parents?


What is the large structure that contains the cell's DNA is the?

That is the nucleus. it is made of heredity material made of DNA and it carries on the functions of life.