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Electrical energy is used to create a electromagnet with alternating poles. These alternating poles will cause another magnet with constant poles attached to an armature to turn and create mechanical energy.

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Q: Which change occurs in an electric motor?
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What is the energy transformation that occurs in an electric motor?

Electro-magnetic into kinetic.

How did electric motor change industry and society?

by making cheese

An electric fan has an electric motor inside to change electricity into what type of energy?

Electrical to kinetic.

What type of energy transformations occurs in a motor?

In an electric motor, electrical energy (because it uses electricity) is transformed into mechanical energy (because it performs action). An electric mixer is a good example of this.

What makes electrical energy change into energy of motion?

An electric motor.

Which electrical device change electrical energy into mechanical energy?

electric motor

What kind of energy does an electric motor change into kinetic energy?

Electrical energy.

What change in form of energy occurs in a stereo speaker?

Electric Energy to Sound Energy.

What is the function of an electric motor in terms of electric power and motor?

The electric motor changes electric energy into mechanical energy.

What changes electric energy into motion?

An electric motor

Can you change the direction of a 110v electric motor?

The answer to that question is entirely dependent on the motor. Many motors have an access plate where the power feeds into the motor. Removing that plate often reveals a wiring diagram that shows how to change the wiring to reverse the motor direction. But most AC electric motors do not provide the option of reversing direction.

What change occurs in flux when load increases in DC shunt motor?

no change occurs because the flux is controlled by the supply and not the load on the generator. thus flux doesnot change unless the supply changes