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Kepler's laws cannot be proven. They are empirical laws not derived from axioms.

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Yes Kepler could not prove his laws and had only derived them empirically. But after Newton formulated his Universal law of gravitation, Kepler's laws could and have been proven.

The working is quite cumbersome and cannot be repeated in this forum. But if you Google "Keplers Laws Proof" or similar you will find numerous explanations. But be prepared that complete proofs require quite some math skills. To do it rigorously you need Calculus and Vector Algebra.

In essence, the first two laws are equivalent to the law of conservation of Angular Momentum (which is the cross product of the position and velocity vectors). The third law calculates the orbital period as a function of semi-major axis of the ellipse and the central mass, basically defining elliptic motion.

It is amazing that Kepler was able to formulate these laws empirically (mainly by studying the motion of Mars) without having the physics and mathematics he would have needed, at his disposal.

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Kepler's third law of planetary orbits states that the square of the period of any planet is proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit.

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What was Johannes Keplers major contribution?

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Mindboggling? They are "Laws of Planetary Motion". So I guess the answer is "motion".

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Distance from the body and the mass of the body. See Keplers laws of planetary motion for more info.

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This is known as Keplers 2nd Law of Planetary Motion. It states that line drawn between a planet and the sun sweeps out equal areas during equal time intervals.

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Johannes Kepler(1571-1630) was a German astronomy and natrual philosophere who was known for his ability in formulating and verifying the three laws of planetary motion, which are now known as Keplers's Laws.

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The laws of planetary motion are attributed to Kepler.

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April 27, 4977 B.C. That was when he once calculated that the universe began. Or, you may mean when he published his Laws of Planetary Motion. He published his first 2 laws in 1609 and his 3rd law around 1619.

Do Newtons laws apply to rotational motion?

Yes sir! The complex planetary orbits were correctly figured out due to Newtons Laws.

How many laws of planetary motion did Johannes Kepler discover?

3 laws' of planetary motion

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Keplar figured out the laws of planetary motion using Tycho Brahe's data.

What is the similarities do the movements of the planets share?

They all obey Kepler's 3 laws of planetary motion.