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Filial Piety

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Q: Which term is most closely related to these three actions showing respect for parents maintaining family honor and honoring all elders?
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Which term is most closely related to these three actions and iuml and 131 and 152 Showing respect for parents and iuml and 131 and 152 Maintaining family honor and iuml and 131 and 152 Honoring all e?


How do you know if your parents know a lie you told?

Parents watch your actions very closely.

How do you respect your parents?

You respect your parents by honoring in what they say or do, even if you don't agree with them.

How do i convine my parents to let me get a hamster?

You can convince your parents to let you have a hamster by telling them that the cost of maintaining one is much lower than that of maintaining other pets, and you have done plenty of research about them.

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Inbreeding is the mating of closely related parents whereas hybridization is the breeding of quite different parents just closely enough related to produce offspring.

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Because it's a celebration of the couple. They are being honored at the party as well as they honoring their parents. Families are bonding.

Who is responsible for the bad actions of adolescents?

Police or parents

What is Japan's special holiday?

Obon or the Bon Festival honoring parents and other ancestors holds a special place in the 27 holidays of Japan.

Why is there a hyphen in his surname?

The hyphen in his surname likely indicates that it is a compound surname, made up of two separate words or names that are combined to form one surname. This could be due to cultural or personal reasons, such as maintaining a family name or honoring both parents' surnames.

Why cant you move out of your parents house when im 17?

Because you are not an adult. Until then, your parents are responsible for you and your actions.