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They are selected of course!

Traits that lead to greater survivability and reproductive success in individuals, on average and against the immediate environment, out reproduce their conspecifics leaving more progeny having these traits and changing the allele frequency over time in the populations gene pool.

Simple put and subject to the vagaries of existence in the real world.

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10y ago

All biological traits result from natural selection working on reproductive variations.

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Q: Which traits are the result of natural selection?
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Is natural selection responsible for inherited traits?

no, inherited traits are responsible for natural selection

What happens to unnecessary traits during the process of natural selection?

How does natural selection affect undesirable traits?

How are artificial selection and natural selection similar?

Natural selection and artificial selection both involve an organism's traits being determined by how much they're favored. Then, the organisms with favorable traits pass those traits on to future generations.However, natural selection is caused by survival; the organisms with traits that increase their chances for survival and reproduction pass on their traits. As for artificial selection, humans purposefully decide which traits (like the most colorful one) of an organism to pass on.The similarity of artificial selection and natural selection is that they both can cause changes in the frequency of population.

What process in which organisims with traits well suited to an environment are more likely to survive and to produce offspring is?

natural selection

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Tends to result in a population whose individuals have extreme traits is what? ----> it is directional selection

How evolution occurs via natural selection?

Evolution occurs via natural selection when certain traits become more favorable in a population over time. This is typically due to the environment or natural selection pressures in the population. Natural selection works by favoring individuals with traits that are better suited to the environment while those with less favorable traits may die off or be less likely to reproduce. Over time these favored traits become more common while unfavorable traits become less common. This process eventually leads to evolution as the population changes to adapt to its environment. The three main components of natural selection are: Variation: Individuals within a population have different traits Inheritance: Traits are passed from generation to generation Differential Reproduction: Traits that are more favorable are more likely to be passed onNatural selection is an ongoing process as the environment is constantly changing and influencing the traits of the population. It is important to note that natural selection is not a directed process and does not necessarily lead to a specific outcome. The result of natural selection is determined by the environment and the traits that are favored in the population.

What is the process where animal select mates with traits best suited for survival?

natural selection. :)

Is adaptation part of natural selection?

Adaptation is the result of natural selection.

Is natural selection a cause of evolution?

No, natural selection is believed to result in evolution.

Does inheritance of acquired characteristics express the concept of natural selection?

No. Natural selection is the differential reproductive success of varying inherited traits. Acquired traits do little to affect the inheritance of traits, except through epigenetics.

What is the process in which traits are chosen to be inherited in evolution?

Natural Selection

What is evolution and its relation to natural selection?

Natural selection is the gradual, non-random process by which individuals with a different trait or traits are more reproductively successful than others. This relies on variation existing in the population. Natural selection results in traits becoming more or less common in the population based on the success of those with the trait(s). Natural selection is the main mechanism for evolution. Favourable traits make it more likely for these animals to survive and pass on their genes. This means that over time, more of the population will have these genetics. This can result in species which specialize - and may become a new species. This is how natural selection relates to evolution.