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Q: Which unit of measure would you use to measure the depth of a swimming pool?
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What measuring tool used to measure depth of swimming pool?

A measuring rod or tape.

What real life example can you measure using meters?

Penguins, yourself, the depth of a swimming pool.

What are 5 things you can measure in meters?

Length of my room Width of my road Length of a swimming pool Height of Mt Everest (not that I would measure it!) Depth of the local lake.

Why is a swimming pool called a swimming pool?

because its a pool you swim in. As opposed to a wading or play pool that is very shallow and does not permit swimming because of lack of depth. To be a swimming pool it must have sufficient depth to be able to swim in. For most people that requires a minimum depth of 3 feet.

How would you find the mass of water in a swimming pool?

You would measure the swimming pools length, width and depth to determine how many cubic feet of water is in the swimming pool. Length x Width x depth = cubic feet. Then measure the mass of 1 cubic foot of water by building a box 1'x1'x1'. Once you know the mass of 1 cubic foot of water - you'll know the mass of the water in the swimming pool.

What instrument measures temperature of the a swimming pool?

The anwser to this QuestionWe would use a termometre to measure , the temperature of a swimming pool .A thermometer.

Which would you measure in centimeters a fish tank or a swimming pool?

the fish tank

What metric unit would you use to measure the length of a swimming pool?

You would use meters.

What unit would you use to measure water in a swimming pool?

Kiloliters or gallons depending on sizeo f the pool.

Depth competition swimming pool?

At least 2 meters.

If you want to measure the amount of water that can fill a swimming pool what standard unit of measurement would you use?

Liters or cubic meters are typically used to measure the volume of water in a swimming pool.

What measurement you need to find a swimming pool?

Length of the perimeter and the depth. Is it a diving pool?