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James Hulton and Charles Lyell.

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Q: Who are the two scientists who helped Darwin recognize how old the Earth is?
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Who are the Two scientists who helped Darwin and others recognize how old?

James Hutton and Charles Lyell were the two scientists that helped Darwin recognize how old the Earth is.

What did Darwin learn from Lyell's data about the age of Earth?

He helped him when he Darwin was studying the theory of earth.

What did Darwin learn from Lyell data about the age of the earth?

He helped him when he Darwin was studying the theory of earth.

How do scientists get information about the inner parts of the Earth?

the earth quakes and volcanoes have helped in the study of the inner parts of the earth

How far away is Darwin from Earth?

Darwin is a city in northern Australia, it is on the earth.

Studying earthquakes has helped scientists to learn more about what?

They have given us important information about the internal structure of the Earth.

Why was geology such an important science in helping Charles Darwin formulating his theory of evolution by natural selection?

Geology provided Darwin with evidence of gradual changes in Earth's landscape over vast time scales. This concept of gradual change and Earth's ancient history influenced Darwin's thinking about the gradual evolution of species through natural selection. Additionally, studying the distribution of fossils and geological formations helped Darwin develop his ideas about species diversification and adaptation to changing environments.

How has technology helped scientist explore the Earth?

Scientists shot semantic waves through the layers to find out how much velocity each layer has.

What experiments in addition to Miller and Urey's helped scientists hypothesize about how life arose on earth?

cause they said so. haha science homework.

Why do scientists use lightyears and astromical units?

I think it is because The Universe is so GIANT that earth measures just aren't enough. I hope I helped!

How have the moon rocks that astronauts brought back to earth helped scientists understand the history of the moon?

They know because when they bring back the rocks they can be studyed by scientists and u should also go look it up in a book

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Why do scientists study Earth's tidal patterns?