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It was Ernest Rutherford who discovered that atoms are mostly composed of empty space with electrons orbiting a very dense nucleus.

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Q: Who discovered that electrons move in empty space in an atom?
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What did Rutherford proposed?

He proposed a new model of the atom in which there is a small dense positively charged nucleus with negatively charged electrons around the outside. The electrons are far away in comparison to the size of nucleus, so the majority of the atom is made up of empty space.

What are found in the space surrounding the nucleus of an atom?

The space around the nucleus of an atom is called the electron cloud. The electron cloud is the space in which the electrons of that atom travel. Compared to the nucleus, the electron cloud is enormous.

How did Thomson help our understanding of the atom?

He discovered that the atom contained smaller particles called electrons.

Do atoms have empty space?

Yes. In 1908, Rutherford conducted an experiment of shooting a beam of alpha particles through a sheet of tinfoil. Most of the alpha particles went straight through the foil, which proves that there are empty spaces in atoms. And the rest of the particles that didn't go straight through the foil are deflected at acute angles, those particles are deflected by the positive nucleus in the center of the atoms.

What was Rutherfords main contribution to science?

He discovered that most of the mass of an atom and all of thepositivecharge are in the centre. Most of the atom is 'empty' space, occupied by electrons, which orbit thenucleus.Gold Foil ExperimentHe shot streams of alpha particles (Helium nuclei) through a thin gold foil and discovered most of them passed through and a minority deflected back. As alpha particles are positively charge, that means the nucleus of atoms are also positive as it deflects alphas away. (pos-pos,repeland neg-pos, attract)

Related questions

What was the significance of Rutherford's experiment?

he discovered the atom was mostly made up of empty space

What was significance of rutherfords experiment?

He discovered that the atom was mostly made up of empty space.

Who discovered the plum pudding model of atom?

J.J. Thompson created the "Plum Pudding" model of the atom. He was inaccurate, though, in stating that the electrons are embedded in a positively charged particle cloud. Ernest Rutherford, then, using alpha particles, surmised that an atom is mostly empty space, and that the empty space contains electrons.

Discovered the nucleus and that atom was composed of mostly empty space?


True or false Most of an atom is empty space?

True. The protons and neutrons together are dense and comprise most of the mass of the atom. The electrons "circle" around in a "cloud" so there is empty space in between the electrons.

What word is most an atom occupied by nearly massless electrons?

empty space

Which of these takes up the most space in an atom?

The thing that takes up the most space of an atom at about 99.99% of the size of the atom is empty space. The majority of the remaining 0.01% is found in the nucleus and about 0.00001% of the atom is taken by the electrons.

Is almost all the volume of an atom empty space?

Yes, the distance of the electrons from the nucleus is approximately relative to the distance from the center of a football field to the edges. In between is empty space.

If an atom is mostly empty space what keeps other matter from moving through the space inside an atom?

The motivation is the electromagnetic repulsion of electrons.

How do you prove that volume of an atom is chiefly empty space?

The mass and volumes of electrons are not significant compared to the volume of an atom.

Who saw the atom as mostly empty space with electrons orbiting around the nucleus?


What was the significance the Rutherford's experiment?

He discovered that the atom was mostly made up of empty space.