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Homologous pairs are called tetrads because these pairs are maid up of a four-part structure. Tetrad literally means a group of four.

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Q: Why are homologous pairs called tetrads?
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What do homologous chromosomes form in pro-phase 1?

Homologous chromosomes in pro-phase 1 arrange themselves as tetrads. A tetrad is a set of four copies of a chromosome--the two original pairs, and the two copies the cell has made.

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Homologous pairs.

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They are called homologous chromosomes (but can also be referred to as homologues or homologs).

What are matching sets of chromosomes called?

I believe they are called anticondon :)

What happens in meiosis during phase 1?

The homologous pairs of chromosomes line up together forming tetrads. During this time, chromatids from the homologous chromosomes cross over and exchange segments so that each chromatid contains both maternal and paternal DNA.

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Chromosome pairs that contain matching information are called "homologous".

What are the matching pairs of chromosomes in a diploid cell called?

Homologous chromosomes (I beleive)

Where are homologous pairs of chromosomes not normally found in?

Homologous pairs of chromosomes are not normally found in a zygote.

What occurs in meiosos but not in mitosis?

lining up of tetrads, crossing over, and separation of homologous chromosomes.