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it is because the the electrons blah who cares about it lay off and relax.

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Q: Why do you feel a shock is it because of ststic electricity?
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Why does a sethoscope feel cold?

is it a stethoscope? if it is, then my answer is correct. they don't feel cold. they check your heartbeat from different directions. the end works as a speaker. it has a tiny hole which collects sound and the ear plugs emphasize it because metal is not only a good conductor of electricity, but also a good conductor of sound waves.

What force is it when a big truck passes you on the highway?

The shock wave all objects make as they push air out of their way to move. A truck has a substantial bow shock you can feel. The air currents you produce as you pass a desk and a piece of paper moves.

Does salt water conduct electricity?

Salt water is a pretty good conductor of electricity. Its not as good as a metal but still is far from being an insulator. Pure water does not conduct electricity well at all. The reason salt water conducts electricity is because the NaCl (sodium chloride, aka table salt) breaks apart into a positively charged Na+ and a negatively charged Chlorine Cl-. When voltage is applied, the charged ions feel the force of the electric field created and they move. Instead of electrons then, the current is the moving ions. The more salt you put into the water, the better it conducts electricity. (Pure water is actually and poor conductor because the only ions it has are the residual H+ and OH- that form in neutral water and are the reason we say water has a pH of 7.)

How do you feel about tests in general?

When I took the tests I felt nervous because

Why do you feel thirsty after the slimming treatments?

we feel thirsty after the slimming treatmets because our body lose a lot of water in form of sweat so our body need to regain water so we feel thirsty

Related questions

Why dont you feel a shock when you turn off a switch?

You can't feel a shock because there is a insulator which insulates the flow of electricity. That's why you can't feel a shock when you turn off a switch.

Why do you feel a shock when you touch a metal door knob?

Because of static electricity

How can you tell electricity has been discharged?

Light is released and you can feel a shock

How can you tell static electricity has been discharged?

Light is released and you can feel a shock

Is a human body a conductor or a insulator?

Conductor. Our body is full of electricity, that is why you feel a shock when electricity is conducted from our body to another body.

Why do people feel shock when they touch some objects?

It's a build-up of static electricity. You act as a pathway to ground for the static - so you feel a slight shock as the static discharges.

Is it true that if you shuffle your feet on the carpet and touch somebody you will feel a shock?

well i wouldn't say you would feel shock,but you can feel like electricity if you touched someone,i tried it and touched my sister,it was funny,but she was!!

Why do I feel a tingly sensation after getting an electric shock?

You feel a tingly sensation after getting an electric shock because of the shocked heart.

Why feeling tingly after electric shock?

You feel the tingly sensation after an electric shock because of the shocked heart.

When you touch a metal doorknob you feel a small electric shock is this an example of static electricity or current electricity you?

StaticYes, it stays put, doing nothing until released by an outside force.

Do we feel electric shock when urination is done in electric heater?

Yes, electricity will travel up the stream (im assuming you are a male) into the penis and cause a very unpleasent shock. I DO NOT recommend trying this

Does your body allow electricity to flow through it?

Yes of course, we have salts, minerals etc.... so they do The body is not a great conductor, but it can conduct electricity and that is why you can feel a shock through static electricity or a killing shock such as an electric chair. Conductance will vary from person to person and will change depending on conditions such as sweat, being wet from a shower and so forth.