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Moulds grow on organic materials because mould is a fungi, which feeds off the chemicals in the food.


Mold grows on organic foods because the food has not been processed. In the proccessing center, they add many cemicals to keep the food fresher, longer. On organic materials, the food does not last as long (which is why not many food companys choose not to proccess they're food) because the bactiria grow to fast, turning to mold. Then the mold grows faster on the bactiria.

so, basicly it is because the organic food has more (healthy) bactiria.


Moulds are saprophytes and are specialised to eat dead organic material. The mould spores are airborne and ubiquitous (everywhere). When the mould spore lands somewhere moist it will germinate and if the growing conditions are favourable (i.e. there is a good food source) they will grow and produce a network of hyphea and fruiting bodies which you can see with the naked eye. They can only grow on organic substances as they require a source of carbohydrate because they cannot photosynthesis and are not chemoautotrophs (i.e. they can't make their own energy source). In summary, they grow on organic material because it is their food source.

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15y ago

bacteria likes moist, damp and warm places to grow. Mold require moisture t grow. Wet surfaces provide the necessary moisture.

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Where does mold grow on bread the best a little wet or in the sun?

It grows best when it is a little wet

How does water affect mold growth?

its nasty nd wet and it grows

Is there wet mold and dry molds?

Mold can grow on surfaces with high moisture content (wet mold) as well as on dry surfaces (dry mold). However, mold requires moisture to grow and thrive. Wet mold is typically more visible and easier to detect due to the presence of moisture, while dry mold may not be as noticeable but can still release spores and cause health issues.

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Black mold is the most common form of bathroom mold. Black mold grows on porous surfaces that stay damp or get wet several times a day. The most effective way of getting rid of black mold is: - ventilate the room so the porous surfaces become dry - Remove the mold and remove its black color by using a chlorine solution (watch out for your clothes, it bleaches)

What conditions encourages bread mold?

Bread mold grows best in warm and wet areas.

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It grows faster on a wet substance because its spores reproduce.

How air make mold grow more were mold has already been growing?

Mold grows like a mushroom. IT finds a wet place to grow and then grows. But how it spreads is a whole different subject. The mold grows and gets bigger and bigger until the casing on it pops open and any air current tacks it away. the mold just grows there then.

What is the root meaning of mold?

The root meaning of mold comes from the Old English word "mold", meaning loose earth or soil. In this context, mold refers to the fungus that grows on organic matter or the process of shaping something wet into a particular form.

What is the difference between mold and decay?

Mold is a type of fungus that grows on surfaces in damp conditions, while decay refers to the breakdown or decomposition of organic matter over time. Both mold and decay are caused by the activity of microorganisms, but mold specifically refers to the visible growth of fungi, whereas decay is a more general term for the deterioration of organic material.

Does bread mold faster in damp or dry areas?

Wet will mold faster as the moisture accelerates the growth (especially in a dark environment)

What is 1 of the 3 conditions for mold?

One condition for mold growth is moisture. Mold requires a damp or wet environment to thrive and reproduce.

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Mold can build up inside cars due to excessive moisture, which can come from sources like water leaks, wet or damp upholstery, or high humidity levels. Poor ventilation can also contribute to mold growth by trapping moisture inside the vehicle. Regularly cleaning and aerating the car can help prevent mold from developing.