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The carbon dioxide forms a precipitate with the calcium hydroxide. (Lime water is just a solution of calcium hydroxide) This precipiate is what makes it look chalky

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Q: Why does lime water turn chalky when cardon dioxide is present?
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When do lime water turns chalky?

yes.. ofcourse lime water turn chalky when it is shake.

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carbon dioxide turns lime water chalky. the more carbon dioxide, the faster the limewater turns chalky. Exhaled air contains carbon dioxide waste from the bodies organs, and that's why it contains more carbon dioxide than inhaled air.

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What happens to the lime water as carbon dioxide mixes?

It turns from a clear, colourless substance to a cloudy, whitish precipitate

What is the function of lime water used in testing for carbon dioxide gas?

It is to make sure that carbon dioxide is present or not present in the experiment.

What turns milky when carbon dioxide is present?

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How would you test or carbon dioxide?

add lime water to the air if the lime water turns cloudy then carbon dioxide is present