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Relative humidity is the ratio of the amount of water air is holding to the amount of water it can hold. The warmer air is, the more water it can hold. Therefore, as air temperature drops, relative humidity increases, even when no additional moisture is being added to the air. If the temperature continues to drop after the relative humidity reaches 100%, the excess moisture gets condensed out of the air. That is why dew forms during the night. The cold cup of water cools the air around it by conduction, so that cooler layer of air in contact with the cup loses its ability to hold its moisture, and the excess moisture condenses onto the cup.

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10y ago

It doesn't stick when it is hot.

But when it is cold water condenses on it.

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Q: Why does water stick to the outside of a cup when it's hot?
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No, It doesn't. If you want to keep hot water hot for a longer time use a polystirene cup.

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it changes the temp. by the temperature outside,like if its cold out the water will be cold and if it's hot outside than the water will be hot