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It is a non luminous object because it does not give out it's own light !

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Does an luminous object cast a shadow?

because there is no light for it to reflect off

How does an object give of light?

If an object gives off light, it is a luminous object.The luminous object gives off its energy and we see it. If you shine light on an object, it is an illuminated object, it just reflects the light back into your eyes.

Why and how are various celestial objects luminous and non luminous?

Luminous objects are those which can produce or give out light of their own, while non-luminous objects cannot produce or give out their own light. Some examples of luminous objects would be the sun, stars, fireflies, glowworms and some deep sea fish Some examples of non-luminous objects would be the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and also Moons.

What are luminescent objects?

A luminous object is something that emits/gives off light - eg sun, star, light bulb, A non-luminous object is something that doesnt have/give off its own light - eg moon, diamond, wood. Non-luminous objects can only be seen because they reflect light, which is given off by luminous objects.

Luminouse objects produce what kind of light?

Luminous objects usually give out the light that they make on their own. An example of a luminous object is a star or an LED lamp.

How can a non luminous body be made luminous Give an example?

Luminous objects create light .A non luminous object does not give off light.For instance, my feet are not luminous.Our sun and the rest of the stars in the universe are luminousNon-luminous objects are the ones who doesn't have its own light like you can say moon,trees, branches,plants, metals mirrors bricks etc.

What are called the things that give off light of their own?

According to the primary level science the object which emit their own light are the luminous object.....

Is a lava a luminous object?

Yes, typically lava glows red, orange, yellow, or white before it cools sufficiently to harden and become a black solid. So, while it is still hot enough to remain a viscous liquid, it gives off light, making it luminous.

What is luminous materials?

Luminous materials are materials that give off light.

What is the difference between luminous object and illumines the object?

Luminous objects give off light whereas illuminated objects relfect light, and thus appear to produce light. For example: A lightbulb is luminous because it gives off light whereas the moon is illuminated because it reflects the light of the sun.A luminous object shines with its own light; it produces its own light, like the sun. An illuminated object is lit by some outside source, like a light bulb or something lit up because your car's headlights fall on it at night, such as your garage door.

What are luminous materials?

Luminous means giving off light. Some materials that give off light are phosphorescent such as polycrystalline inorganic zinc sulphide and alkaline earth sulphides; some are radioactive such as radium and tritium.

What is the meaning of non luminous objects?

The non-luminous is those objects which do not produce its own light.It provide the light which is reflecting from another e.g.moon did not produce its own light,sun is giving the light to moon,moon reflecting the light of sun.