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Without mutation there can be no evolution. Without evolution there can be no speciation.

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Q: Why is mutation important to spectation?
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What is spectation?

a person that watches a sport or competion of any sort

Why is it important that exact copies of DNA are produced during replication?

it is important because without same replication you will have a mutation

Why are somatic mutations generally less important than germ mutations?

Because the somatic mutation only produces the color of the iris of the eye. The germ mutation is in charge of the cell which will produce a gamete. It may be passed onto the offspring. So the somatic mutation isn't as important as the germ mutation.

What is the term for any permanent change in a gene of chromosome?

The permanent change in a gene or a chromosome is called Mutation.

What does the Latin root word spect mean?

at baird we got diz as ela hw i got spectation,respect,inspecting,pospect,and specter

Name 2 major types of mutation?

i] spontaneous mutation ii] induced mutation iii] germinal mutation iv] somatic mutation v] chromosomal mutation vi] gene mutation are the some of the major types of mutation......

What is a change or error in the structure of a gene or chromosome?

Chromosomal mutation

Mutation is any change in a gene or chromosome?


Which type of mutation will have the most evolutionary consequence?

A frameshift mutation will have the most serious effects.A frameshift mutation is a type of mutation involving the insertion or deletion of a nucleotide in which the number of deleted base pairs is not divisible by three.Divisible by three is important because the cell reads a gene in groups of three bases.Each group of three bases corresponds to one of 20 different amino acids used to build a protein.If a mutation disrupts this reading frame, then the entire DNA sequence following the mutation will be read incorrectly.

What concept is important in Darwin's theory if evolution by natural selection?

That a certain animal will have a mutation and if the mutation is more successful then the original then mutation will live if not, then the mutation will die out and also if you split a group of animals up and have say a rat species from Europe and introduce them to a cold climate or an island like Madagascar then they may evolve to better survive in their environment

What is random errors when DNA is copied called?

It's called a mutation.

A mistake made during copying of genetic information is called a?

A mistake made during copying of genetic information is called a