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because when we usually test for a liquid or anything soluble we put a drop of it on the pencil line, then when we put the chromatography paper or filter paper in water the water will get on the paper and start moving upwards here when the water will approach the liquid or solvent or die and then they will move with water throughout the filter or chromatography paper.

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Solvent levels below the "starting line" give a more accurate spread of colours, as the water is allowed to begin properly soaking and ink is not lost in the solution upon direct contact.

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Q: Why should the water be below the pencil line in chromatography?
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Why is it important to use only a pencil to mark the starting line of the chromatogram?

This is so you can know the base line. The base line is used as the starting point for the mesaurements used for the Rf values. you need to know the distance from the base line to the point of the spot to know the Rf values. see related link below for more info about paper chromatography

How can you separate a single color from ink?

a process called chromatography. you put some ink on spetial paper on a line dip it in water just below the line. the ink should then seperate.

Why does a pencil immersed in water appear to be displaced at the interface of air and water?

Take a pencil and a glass of water, and put the pencil in it. The apparent displacement of a pencil in the water is due to refraction, which is the change of direction of a wave as it moves from one medium into another.Light is being reflected off the pencil to allow us to see it. The light reflected off the part above water is propagated through air to our eyes. The part below the water must move through the water and then through the air for us to see it. As the light moves from the water into the air, it undergoes refraction, and changes direction. The part of the pencil below the water appears displaced to the viewer.

How do you separate substances in red ink?

Chromatography should help. Spot ink onto absorbent paper, dip edge of paper in water, and wait.

What solvent can be used for food colorings when doing paper chromatography?

Water should work well as food colourings are usually water soluble.

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What can you do with a pencil and water?

You can use the pencil to stir the water and produce a whirlpool in the container

Does a pencil remain the same when it is dipped in a glass of water?

Physically, the pencil remains a straight pencil. Optically, due to the refraction effect of water, the pencil will appear to be bent.

What are two industries that use chromatography?

Chromatography is used in medical research and also scientific testing of soil & water for chemical contamination.

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How do you do chromatography?

I f you want to observe this theory in simple way ,you can observe it through using filter paper has ink on it and leave it in water ,after time when the water get evaporated you will observe that the ink was separated and this is a simple chromatography. And this is core concept for chromatography. Saleh Qahtani Lab Tech

What is the conclusion of broken pencil?

-the pencil looks broken & bent in water. - the pencil looks bent, because of the refraction of light, that causes that to happen. -pencil looks really thick, in water.