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I think he was writing a diary xx

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Q: Why was Newton sitting udner the tree when the apple fell on his head?
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What led newton to develop the law of gravitation?

According to the myth, it was an apple which fell on his head while he was sitting under the tree and thinking.

How did newton first discover gravity?

i think he was sitting under a tree and an apple fell and he was wondering why it did that and it was because of gravity

When did Newton discovered gravity?

i don't know the answer .... but i think he discover gravity when he was sitting under an apple tree and an apple fell on his head and he discover.

Who discovered the gravitational force and how?

That is a famous story.Issac Newton was sitting under an apple tree.Suddenly an appke fell down to Newton's head.He thought about this,'What is the reason,this apple fell to the ground rather staying in air or going up'.This lead him to the discovery of Gravity.

What scientist is associated with an apple falling from a tree?

Issac Newton as he discovered gravity with apples falling from a tree.

What event spurred newton's interest in gravity?

It is one of several myths (stories) about how some people had an eureka moment. This one says that Newton was sitting under a tree when an apple hit him on the head. That was when (it is told) that he said it was gravity that did that.

What did newton learn from an apple?

The apple story is apocryphal, meaning "of dubious authenticity", or "an interesting story or fable". The story was that Newton was sitting underneath an apple tree when an apple fell next to him. This prompted him to consider that while he knew that things DID fall, he didn't know WHY, or what the mechanism was. He ought to be able to figure out what the force on the apple was.

Which scientist discovered gravity?

Gravity is a term coined by Sir Isaac Newton. Newton discovered Gravity. He noticed this phenomena in the world famous story when an Apple fell down from a tree under which Newton was sitting, and Newton thought, as to why the apple fall down and not upwards or sideways. Hence leading to his discovery of Gravity.

Did Isaac Newton die when an apple fell on his head?


How did sir isacc Newton discover gravity?

He was sitting underneath a Apple tree when one fell on his head. so he thought about it and came up with the conclusion of gravity!

Why did Sir Isaac Newton start thinking about gravity?

He was sitting under a tree and an apple fell on his head so he started to wonder what caused things to fall.

How Isaac Newton found gravity?

Apple fell on his head