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because pure iron have not carbon, that disrupt the magnetic field.

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Q: Why would iron be used on a magnet rather than steel?
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What would be the best metal for a magnet steel aluminum lead or tin?

steel, as it is an alloy of iron

Why would a nail be attracted to a magnet?

if a nail has any iron in it, it will be attacted to a magnet. Most nails are made of steel, a substance created from iron.

What attracts a magnet?

Iron, steel

What is the difference between iron and magnet?

Magnet attract things made of iron nickel steel

Explain why a magnet can attract pins but not matches?

A magnet is made of 'Soft' Iron. A pin has steel (iron) in it. A match does NOT have iron in it.

What is an object that attracts iron and steel?

A magnet or lodestone will do that.

Why is steel attracted to metal but brass is not?

Steel is attracted to a magnet because of its iron content. Brass contains no iron.

What makes a magnet stick to a refrigerator?

the refrigerator is iron or steel, therefore the magnet sticks to it.

What metals attract magnet?

No metals can attract a magnet. Only magnets can attract metals. (Believe me there is a difference). However the most common examples of metals which magnets would be able to pick up are Iron and Steel (steel is an alloy of Iron and Carbon)

Can steel be attracted by iron?

When iron is passed through an electric current, it can be attracted to steel because it has became a temporary magnet

What metal is attracted to magnet?

iron, cobalt and nickel but any compound with any of these in like steel, which contains iron, are attracted to a magnet.

How is steel magnetic?

yes steel is a ferrous metal,aluminum would be a non ferrous metal