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get a magnet that attracts iron

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10y ago

Run a magnet over the mixture of nails and baby powder. Iron will be attracted by the magnet while baby powder will not.

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Q: How do you separate iron fillings from baby powder?
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What method do you use to separate iron filings from sawdust?

Use a magnet to seperate the iron. Then, add water to dissolve the salt and float the sawdust. Skim off, sieve or filter the solution to seperate the sawdust. Let the water evaporate, leaving the salt behind.

Carlos' teacher has asked him to separate a mixture of sand and iron filings. Which of these methods would correctly separate the mixture?

the correct answer would be -( magnetic attraction of one part )

How do you separate iron powder and salt?

Mix the salt and powder together in water until the salt dissolves. Pour the mixture through filter paper to separate the powder from the water. Boil the water so it evaporates and leaves the salt behind. If the powder is iron, you can use a magnet to separate them rather than mixing in water.

How can you physically separate a mixture of iron fillings table salt and white sand?

by putting all of the substances on a sheet or plate and then using a magnet underneath to pull the iron fillings away. then for your table salt and white sand you just use small mesh and voila! all wrong ... 1st, use magnet to separate the iron filling from the mixture of sand with table salt 2nd add water to dissolve the salt from the mixture with the sand and filtrate the liquid sand has separated from mixture of salt 3rd place the the filtrate liquid to a burner with a evaporating dish, the water will be evaporate and the remaining residue would be the small crystal particles which is the salt.

What happens when you place iron fillings around a magnet?

The fillings align themselves according to the magnetic field created by the magnet. *See the related links to images of the fillings behaving this way, along with a drawing representing the magnetic fields to which the filings align. You can see how the fillings behave similarly in each of the different photos. (see also related question below)