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This is a tough question to answer due to my lack of knowledge about future materials. The scientists and engineers of the future may very well procure a material that's stronger, cheaper, and more efficiently made than iron and all of its variants, thus making large scale use of iron obsolete. There's no way to know to know whether such a material can be made yet. However, even if the use of Iron is eliminated in large construction projects, I see no reason for why we wouldn't use it. Iron rendered materials such as wood and stone obsolete for large building projects, but that doesn't mean we stopped using wood and stone. I believe that in a theoretical future world, where there is a super-strong material that has knocked down the hegemony of iron, iron will still find a niche to slip into.

(additional answer) Also remember that in addition to its strength, iron, or various alloys of iron, are also very useful for making magnets. Iron is also an essential nutrient which performs a role in the transport of oxygen in the body. Even if iron were to become obsolete for all other uses, we would still need to have a certain amount of it in our diets. So I would say that iron will be used in the future, at least as long as the human race continues to exist.

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