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During the past century, the Peyto Glacier has lost 70% of its total mass.

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Q: By how much has the front edge of the Peyto Glacier changed in the past century?
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What is a glacier snout?

a glacier snout is the front of the glacier :)

What is the loaction of the front of a glacier?

The leading edge of a glacier.

Under what circumstances will the front of a glacier advance?

A glacier is always moving forward (downhill). In the winter, the glacier usually isn't melting and its front edge (or "toe") will advance downhill. In the summer, the toe of the glacier usually melts faster than the glacier is moving forward, causing the front edge of the glacier to recede. If the recession in the summer is greater than the advance in the winter, then the glacier as a whole is receding and will eventually disappear. That is what is currently happening to most of the glaciers in North America and many other places around the world.

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to find

When a glacier stops moving forward what will be deposited in front of it?

When a glacier stops moving and end moraine will be deposited in front of it.

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Ridges of rock debris that form in front of a glacier are called terminal moraines at the point that the glacier stops moving ahead.

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OF course it can its the 21st century

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Yes, because glacial ice is still moving inside the glacier even if the glacier's front is not advancing.

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What is the front of a glacier called?

The Snout is one name for it.

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What landform can a glacier build up?

A glacier builds up a moraine in front of it as it pushes dirt and rock ahead of it.