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it takes 88 days

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Q: How long does mercury take to rotate around the sun?
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How long does it take for Mercury the planet rotate around the sun?

Mercury is the closest planet to the sun thus Mercury has the shortest orbit duration. It takes the planet Mercury 88 days to rotate around the sun.

How long does mercury take to rotate around its own axis?

It takes about 58.6 Earth days.

How long does it take for Mercury to rotate on its own axis in 1 day?

how long does it take for Mercury to rotate on its own axis IN ONE DAY

How long did mercury take to rotate on its axis?

it takes Mercury 1368936475.26579980 days.

How long dose it take mercury to rotate on its axis?

Exactly one Mercury day.

How long does it take to Mercury rotate found earth?

40 days

In earth years how long does it take to rotate on mercury?

0.16 years.

How long does mercury take to rotate once around the sun once?

The movement around the Sun is called "revolution", not "rotation". It takes Mercury 88 days for one revolution - almost three months.

How long does it take Mercury to rotate on it's axis?

Mercury rotates once in about 58.6 Earth days.

How many days does it take Mercury to rotate around the Sun?

I believe it is 88 days.

Does it take 307 days for Mercury to rotate on its axis?

No, it take Mercury 58 days 15 hours to rotate once.

How long does it take for the planet mercury to rotate in one day?

59 day noy are uahppy