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Q: What are disadvantages and advantages of interrupted projection?
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Related questions

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a Mercator projection and of an equal area projection?


What are the three types of projection maps are?

Mercator Projection, Interrupted Projection, Robinson Projection

What is Interrupted area Projection?

well it is like a map interrupted by people and its places

What would you consider the main drawback of Goode's Interrupted projection?

The projection is cut off and Antarctica is also cut off.

What are the 3 different types of map projections?

Robinson projection mercator projection interrupted projection =]<3

What kind of map projection cuts the world into sections?

Goode's Interrupted Projection

What are som advantages and disadvantages of a mercator projection and of an equal area projection?

advantages: correctly shows the relative sizes of Earth's landmasses disadvantages: has distortion shows the landmasses near the edges stretched and curved

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Gnomonic Projection map?

Advantages: pinpoint accuracy, air traffic, and the only way to get the north and south pole. Disadvantages: Makes countries look longer, distorted, and hard to understand.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Mollweide projection?

The Mollweide Projection shows areas that land masses are larger and they are larger. The disorts are shape of land and direction.

What is the goode's interrupted projection?

Map shows true dimension and size, although oceans are interrupted and not shown fully.

What are the disadvantages and advantages of azimuthal projection?

This map projection has the advantage of showing the correct distances between places when taken from the centre point of the projection, however it has the disadvantage that the distances from all other points are incorrect, and areas and shapes get distorted more that one moves away from the centre of the projection.

What are drawbacks of using Goode's Interrupted Projection?

Distortion of shape, area, distance, and direction is still present in Goode's Interrupted Projection, although it is minimized compared to other projections. The interruptions can disrupt the visual continuity of the map, making it challenging to follow coastlines or borders across the interruptions. It can be difficult to accurately represent and label small or detailed geographic features due to the interruption points.