The Asian continent is located at this intersection of longitude and latitude.
The country located at 9 degrees north latitude and 0 degrees longitude is Ghana.
No major city is located at exactly 60 degrees N latitude and 5 degrees longitude. This location is out in the ocean, between Iceland and the United Kingdom.
40 degrees north latitude and 40 degrees east longitude intersect in Turkey. Specifically, the intersection point is in the central part of the country, located near the towns of Kayseri and Sivas.
The city located at 6 degrees south latitude and 106 degrees west longitude is Lima, the capital of Peru.
The Gulf of Thailand is located to the east of the intersection of 100° E longitude and 10° N latitude.
Gulf of Thailand
The Persian Gulf.
The gulf of Oman
The Arabian Gulf
the gulf of Mexico good luck on dg
It is the Gulf of Thailand, or Gulf of Siam.
The Asian continent is located at this intersection of longitude and latitude.
The Gulf of Tonkin near North Vietnam
The intersection of latitude 00 and longitude 00 is located off the coast of Africa in the Atlantic Ocean, near the Gulf of Guinea. This point is known as the Prime Meridian (0 degrees longitude) and the equator (0 degrees latitude).
The country located at 0 degrees latitude and 40 degrees longitude is Kenya.