China has the maximum number of border countries, with a total of 14 neighboring countries.
China shares its border with 15 countries, including Russia, Mongolia, India, and Pakistan. It has the highest number of neighboring countries in the world.
Russia forms much of China's northern border. The two countries share a long boundary in the north, primarily in the regions of Siberia and Manchuria.
China shares its northern border with countries like Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, and North Korea.
The Indian state that touches the maximum border of another country is Arunachal Pradesh, which shares borders with Bhutan, China, and Myanmar.
The Himalayas border China and India. The Himalayas border China and India.
Since China is in east Asia there can be no common border between China and a European country.
There are 16 countries that touch the border of China. Hong Kong has the shortest border touching China with the length of 30 km.
Mongolia, on China's northern border, shares the Gobi Desert.
Mongolia, on China's northern border, shares the Gobi Desert.
MONGOLIA makes up most of China's northern border.
From north to south, China, Laos, Cambodia.
There are 4 seas that border the country of China. They are the Korea Bay, the Yellow Sea, the South China Sea and the East China Sea.