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Q: What states need no licence to register And title cars?
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Can you register a car and get a tag if your licenses were taken for DUI in SC?

I live in oregon I have never had my licence and i have a dui, the DMV still lets me register and tag my cars

How many cars were on the road in 1930?

It is estimated that there were 6 million cars on the road in 1930. The exact number is not known, because some states did not register vehicles.

When your cars is towed for someone else driving of a suspended licence how does the owner get it back?

You must bring your state id and original title into the tow yard. It'll also cost money to get out.

Did Irish immigrants drive cars?

yes, but only with a licence

How much does it cost to register a vehicle in Illinois?

Registration fees are 101 dollars and title fees are 21 dollars. This doesn't count new cars which will have tax required with the registration.

How many cars can you sell in the state of Texas without a dealers licence?

you can sell up to 15 cars

How do I register a car purchased from a private seller in Georgia?

You have to get insurance on that car and go to any County tag office in GA for a new title or registration and a new tag. Certain year model cars require you have the title - not just a bill of sale.

Is it legal to take cars if the titles are in your name but you dont have the cars?

Based upon your states laws, most show the ownership of a vehicle through the title. If the title is in your name and does not state and joint ownership with another name then you have rights to take possesion of the car.

If you have to register your car with a salvage title do I have to get new license plates and pay for a dmv sticker that matches the new license plate?

The question shows a misunderstanding of what is required to register a vehicle with a salvage title.MOST places require a very detailed inspection the first time the car is registered after the title being "Branded" as salvage.After that the procedure is identical to all all other cars.

How many cars can you sell from home without a dealers licence in the UK?


How many cars you can sell in Saskatchewan without dealer licence?


Is it illegal to continuously buy and sell cars if you pay tax and register each one without a dealers license?

Many states have a limit on the number of cars that you can buy/sell in a year. That will determine if you're breaking the law.