

History of the United States

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Keith Rohan

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2y ago
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Cards in this guide (13)
Was the sherman anti-trust act enforced immediatedly true or false


What did John Muir fight for

Environmental protection


I got it right

What did the eighteenth amendment make into law

The prohibition of acohol

Why did the author likely point out that the army beef besides was not fresh canned

The author was pointing out how the sellers of the beef were uncaring.

John muir convinced teddy roosevelt that the best way to protect yosemite valley was through

John Muir convinced Teddy Roosevelt that the best way to protect Yosemite Valley was with federal control and management. This was back in history.

Trusts like standard oil became large mostly by

Eliminating business

Why did Theodora Roosevelt Start his own political party

He was not satisfied with William Taft's job as president

Based on the reading what was true about meatpacking plants

all above

Based on the reading Upton Sinclair would most likely agree that the government must have a role in

protecting consumers and workers

Ida B Wells was forced to flee the South because she

Ida B Wells was threatened by Southerners when she defended victims of lynchings.

Who was the first woman to serve in congress -apex

jeannette rankin

What The Women's Christian Temperance Union argued that laws concerning alcohol were necessary to

Decrease social problems

How was the homestead strike ended

The strike ended with Frick (plant GM) hiring replacement workers for the mill under the protection of the Pennsylvania State Militia. Once he successfully got the plant running again, he simply waited out the strikers, until they began ignoring the strike and returning to work under Frick's conditions (the conditions that he had originally proposed, which had led to the strike). Within two months, nearly all of the striking workers that management wanted back had returned to work, the rest being permanently replaced.

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