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Solon Thompson

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2y ago
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What did Malthus think would limit the population size

Food supply

How do peppered moths after the Industrial Revolution show the process of natural selection

The peppered moth had white bodies and wings, peppered with black. This coloration blended well into the original British countryside, hiding them from their predator the birds. Factories of the early industrial revolution covered everything with soot. Now the white stood out against the black surroundings making them easy targets for birds. Over time the white moths were wiped out. But, a few of them were darker in color, these survived and multiplied such that the white peppered moth was replaced buy the dark ones.

Black moths were selected for when the trees turned black.

the moths with the high fitness were selected for

The black moths were more fit for survival, so their phenotype frequency increased.

How do adaptations affect a species

They make the species more genetically diverse

Which would be an adaptation in a very cold place but not in a rainforest

Fur that blends in with snow - APEX

Which of the following would be the best method for randomly determining how many eggs an imaginary bird lays in a simulation

Rolling a six sided number cube and using the number on the top side.

Where is a place where a severe drought has occurred

A: Japan

By incorporating random chance a scientist ensures that a series of steps are followed

in a slightly different way each time (apex)

A sample of a population should be large enough to

span the full spectrum of a population's genetic variation.-apex

I got you guysssss.

feel free to hmu on snap king.youssof ( need knew friends ;--;)

What is A trait has two alleles which are represented by p and q if p 0.89 what is q


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