

US Presidents

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Taya Kuphal

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2y ago
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What is ocean acidification

Ocean Acidification: The declining pH (increased acidification) of the oceans due to increased CO2 emissions globally.

How did the Grange help farmers

It gave farmers a way to organize for better crop prices.

What were spheres of influence

Areas of China controlled by Western powers for trade

What did William Henry seward want to do

Apex-type question, already rephrased and answered

A third-generation American can be best described as someone

A third-generation American can best be described as someone whose grandparents came from another country.

Why did Richard Nixon want to have a better relation with China

he thought it would help in talks with the Soviets APEX!!

What was true of many Chinese workers in Hawaii

Their labor was sold by their government.

What is a primary source

A record that is made during or right after an event

What were the technological firsts of civil war

First submarine

What would someone use a video cutter for

This is a tool that helps in cutting videos into smaller parts and joining multiple clips into a single video.

What port did the United states gain as a result of Cuban independence

The United States gained Guantanamo Bay

What belonged to the United states after the Spanish-American War

Guantanamo Bay belonged to the US after the Spanish-American War.

According to census trends what is expected to happen in America by 2023

The majority of children being born will be nonwhite

Following the annexation of Hawaii agribusiness controlled
  1. plantation
  2. railroads
  3. banks
Which best describes the white man's burden

help civilized nonwhites-apex

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