

Declaration of Independence

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Edward Sporer

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Cards in this guide (12)
What is a sentence that uses a personification in it

a sentence that takes the place of a human act

What is the main goal of the constitution as stated in the preamble

To protect the people's rights.

What did jefferson and his colleagues hope to achieve by creating the declaration of independence

Jefferson was hoping the achieve a few things by declaration of Independence. The main thing was to give people freedom.

Which section of the Declaration of Independence discusses the king's actions


What do the signers pledge to do at the end of the declaration of independence

Die for what they believe in.

Apex What did the creators of the declaration feel compelled to do in order to maintain their credibility

Provide evidence of how they had been mistreated.

By including their British brethren in the list of grievances the authors were using which rhetorical appeal



What two rhetorical stratigies does he most clearly use here

he uses metaphor to appeal to pathos. apex (:

Black claims at the end of the dissent that as a result of the Court's decision the Court will

try to take over the school systems

How is parallelism used here to strengthen the argument


Lucas explains that the use of necessary in the first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence

Answer: Apex Quiz 1.2.4

Makes a revolt against Britain seem inescapable

Hope this helped :)

What rhetorical appeal uses facts to persuade the audience


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What is the central argument presented in the Declaration of Independence

What did jefferson and his colleagues hope to achieve by creating the declaration of independence

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