

US Constitution

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Larissa Thompson

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2y ago
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Cards in this guide (12)
What term is defined as the means by which a government compels or forbids certain acts of its citizens


Why was Benjamin Franklin's Albany Plan of Union important

because it was the fist plan brought up during the time that tried to unify all of the colonies under one centralized government unit

Who was the king of England when the magna carta was agreed upon

King john

What was King John of England trying to do when he signed the Magna Carta

Magna Carta, which means in English 'The Great Charter', is one of the most important documents in British history as it established the principle that everyone is subject to the law, even the king, and guarantees the rights of individuals, the right to justice and the right to a fair trial

What happens when a company produces a small quantity of a product and a large number of people want to purchase the product

When a company produces a small quantity of a product and a large number of people want to purchase the product, the demand will cause the price of the product to go up.

Which part of the Constitution provides the foundational structure of the government

Articles A+

What made it difficult for the states to establish a national identity

no executive branch

Which act put a tax on all written or printed documents

Its the new act out there called the yo momma act

What is an alliance of independent states that has a very weak centralized national government


What led to rebellion a faulty economic system and poor representation of the people

articles of the confederation (A+)

Studies relating to the history of the principles organization and operational manner of government are part of which branch of the sciences

political science

What is the highest authority in the United States that controls the division of powers between the central and local governments


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What term is defined as the means by which a government compels or forbids certain acts of its citizens

Why was Benjamin Franklin's Albany Plan of Union important

Who was the king of England when the magna carta was agreed upon

What was King John of England trying to do when he signed the Magna Carta

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What term is defined as the means by which a government compels or forbids certain acts of its citizens

Why was Benjamin Franklin's Albany Plan of Union important

Who was the king of England when the magna carta was agreed upon

Who believed that all men are born free and are basically good

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What term is defined as the means by which a government compels or forbids certain acts of its citizens

Why was Benjamin Franklin's Albany Plan of Union important

Who was the king of England when the magna carta was agreed upon

Which of these provides the power for the ruler in an oligarchy

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What term is defined as the means by which a government compels or forbids certain acts of its citizens

Why was Benjamin Franklin's Albany Plan of Union important

Who was the king of England when the magna carta was agreed upon

Which of these provides the power for the ruler in an oligarchy

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What term is defined as the means by which a government compels or forbids certain acts of its citizens

Why was Benjamin Franklin's Albany Plan of Union important

Who was the king of England when the magna carta was agreed upon

Who believed that all men are born free and are basically good

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