

US Constitution

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Monserrat Bashirian

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Who has the power to appoint federal judges

The President appoints federal judges, including Supreme Court justices, with the advice and consent of the Senate. That means the Senate must approve the President's nomination by a simple majority vote before the appointment process can be completed.

The United Nations Charter was signed on June 26 1945 during the final months of World War 2


It is common for voters to change their political affiliation from one election to the next


With which branch of the government is this office associated with the president of the united states


What In the federal system of the US which branch of government has the power to enforce the laws


The case of Feinberg v. New York established the process called judicial review.


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Who has the power to appoint federal judges

What clause states that the Constitution will be the supreme law of the land

Who holds the power to approve supreme court justices

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Who has the power to appoint federal judges

What clause states that the Constitution will be the supreme law of the land

Who holds the power to approve supreme court justices

In England a magistrate is another term for which of these

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Who has the power to appoint federal judges

Which court reviews cases under the Trade Agreements Act of 1979

What evolved in England over a number of years from the decisions made in the local courts of England

Independent agencies are staffed by elected people

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