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Margaretta Barrows

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2y ago
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Cards in this guide (15)
What happens during the climax of a story

The point of greatest suspense is reached
The plot reaches the point of greatest tension.

A sentence with a synonym context clue contains
A word wall involves putting words into what


Which of these is the best definition of bourgeois



Which of these could you do to mark the place in a text that you found particularly interesting or entertaining

Draw a smiley face in the margin.

Choose the word below that best substitutes for the italicized word in this sentence Mr Howard always wears an impeccable suit to interviews

Spotless could replace impeccable in that sentence.

Which of the following words does not describe John Smith's behavior after he is captured

their are no following words

What describes the term technology as it is used in media terminology

The creative use of science to slave problems

When does the author usually bring the main characters into the story
What does the word destitute mean

Destitute means, utterly impoverished, or having no money.

Is impeccable a noun

No, the word 'impeccable' is an adjective, a word to describe a noun as in accordance with the highest standards of propriety; faultless. For example:

  • impeccable manners
  • an impeccable kitchen

The noun form for the adjective impeccable is impeccability.

Which of these techniques involves putting words into groups

A word wall can be used to put words into groups.

Which of the phrases from the passage above provides the best context clue for guessing the meaning of ubiquitous

"Everywhere you go" provides good context for guessing the meaning of ubiquitous.

What is talking or writing about a prediction known as

It depends on the context and how it is done. It could just be called predicting, but it could also be called prophecy.

Word skipping technique lets you figure out

let me think

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What best describes a text in media terminology

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