

History of the United States

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Pete Williamson

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What was one effect of the Alien and Sedition acts

To limit the power of the Democratic Republican Party.

Judicial review gives the supreme court the power to


Why did the north have more capital than the south

The North was more industrialized while the South was agrarian.

Who negotiated a peace treaty to avoid a costly war with Britain

John Jay.

[ also the answer for NovaNet. ]

What was the result of the presidential election of 1824

In 1824, John Quincy Adams was elected President. There were four candidates that received a substantial number of electoral votes, so that no one candidate received a majority. Therefore, in accordance with the US Constitution, the House of Representatives chose the president. Jackson got the most electoral votes and also won in popular votes but with some political maneuvering mostly by Henry Clay, Adams prevailed. Adams made Clay his Secretary of State and Jackson people screamed ,"Foul Play!", but it was all legal.

When was the Judiciary Act of 1789 adopted

The Judiciary Act of 1789 was adopted September 24, 1789.

What groups tended to favor tariffs

NovaNet ANSWER: Northern industrialists

President Jackson viewed the national bank as


Which of the followign reflects a boom phase in a capitalist economy

Emplotment, profits, and incomes are high.

Why did Jefferson want the United states to expand in the early 1800s

To provide farm land for its growing population.

In 1807 Thomas Jefferson persuaded Congress to declare an embargo on Great Britain What was Jefferson's strategy

To starve the British and close their factories

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Which state started a crisis for the union in 1833 when it threatened to secede

What was the result of the Treaty of Ghent

What was the result of the embargo Jefferson declared against Britain in 1807

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Which state started a crisis for the union in 1833 when it threatened to secede

What was the result of the Treaty of Ghent

What was the result of the election of 1800

What was the result of the embargo Jefferson declared against Britain in 1807

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What was the result of the Treaty of Ghent

Judicial review gives the supreme court the power to

Why did Federalists target immigrants in the Alien and Sedition Acts

Which cabinet position was established by an act of congress

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