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Gwendolyn Nicolas

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What is a benefit of using nuclear energy

It does not pollute and is a very cost-effective energy source.

What did Reaganomics do

The policy of Reaganomics was based on "supply side" economics (which is often criticized as the "trickle down" strategy) to build economic growth. President Ronald Reagan championed across-the-board tax reduction and cutbacks in spending for social programs such as job education and welfare. The intent of the tax cuts was to leave capital in the private sector where it could be re-invested, rather than being acquired and used by the federal government. The net increase in economic activity would eventually generate tax revenue to compensate for the cuts.

The reactions to this idea are almost always subjective. Many critics decry the reduction in taxes for the richest Americans, who showed significant gains in wealth and hence political power. Supporters of the concept say it is based on the principles of free enterprise, rather than inefficient government involvement through higher taxes, subsidies, and public spending. The support for Reaganomics was divided substantially along the lines of the two major political parties. And as with most governmental policies, it had mixed results for the US economy.

Deregulate industries(apex)
deregulate industry

What is nafta and how does it affect Mexico us and Canada

NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Association; it helped Mexico, Canada, and the US trade easier with each other.

What makes biodiesel more sustainable than ethanol

Soybeans are better for the soil than corn.

What skill does a worker need for JIT delivery

A JIT worker needs the ability to use a computer.

Is rocket fuel a fossil fuel

Yes it is a fossil fuel.

Why might a company move its production factory from Texas to Mexico

To take advantage of lower labor costs

When might a teacher recommend using Wikipedia

To attain basic knowledge about a topic

What happens when the level of imports is greater than the level of exports

A trade deficit

Which countries use oil supertankers

Panama was the world's largest flag state for oil tankers, with 528 of the vessels in its registry. Six other flag states had more than 200 registered oil tankers: Liberia (464), Singapore (355), China (252), Russia (250), the Marshall Islands (234) and the Bahamas (209).

Is water a renewable resource or non renewable resource

yes water is a renewable resource

Does nuclear energy have kinetic or potential energy

Nuclear energy is a kind of potential energy.

What was not a potential problem of using more nuclear energy

the cost of nuclear fuel was low - Apex

How did Ronald Reagan influence the Supreme Court in the 1980s

He appointed Justices who held conservative political beliefs.

Which of the following is not a sustainable form or energy production


What ideas is a major element of trickle down economics

Cutting taxes on businesses will encourage them to hire more workers

Which of the following best describes an outcome of the 1970s oil crisis in the United states

The U.S. government increased its investment in researching alternative fuel sources.

What of these statements about fair trade is true

The workers who produced these goods are paid more money.

Which statement is true

Nixon resigned before he could be impeached. -Apex

What of the following was a major problem of the United States in the late 1970s

High gas prices and oil shortages.

Which program started when President Johnson was in office

Head Start - APEX

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