

History, Politics & Society

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Edward Sporer

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Who was the major contributor to the realism theory

who are major contributors of realism?

What is the impact of an increase in the price of chicken on the price of hamburgers

since hamburges don't contain chicken, it would be best to treat them as substitute goods. If the price of chicken increases, more people will eat hamburgers, which will also increase the price of hamburgers.

How did the communist system of government reduce the impact of the great depression in the soviet union

The Soviet government reduced unemployment by determining where all citizens would work.

Why was the Soviet Union able to prevent Germany from advancing toward Moscow

Answer this question…The Soviet army had more soldiers than the German army, and German soldiers were not prepared for the harsh Russian winter.

Which of the following describes a major impact of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

It served as a symbol of anti-Nazi resistance that inspired Jews in prison camps.

How did the fascist system of government reduce the impact of the Great Depression in Germany during the 1930's

Because Germany was ruled by a dictator, economic decisions could be made and carried out efficiently.

Why did the united States support the formation of the north Atlantic treaty organization

To prepare for a potential conflict with the Soviet Union.

How do japans actions before and during world war ii compare with Germany's actions over the same period

Both countries became highly militaristic and built powerful armies

Which factor was a major cause of the genocide committed by the Nazis against Jewish people

Answer this question…

Nazi propaganda dehumanized Jews by comparing them to animals

What describes an attempt by western liberal democracies to increase their influence in Europe and slow the spread of communism following world war 2

The Marshall Plan sent United States monetary aid to Europe to help with reconstruction.

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Who was the major contributor to the realism theory

How did the communist system of government reduce the impact of the great depression in the soviet union

How did hyperinflation contribute to the great depression

Which of these political philosophies did the Bolsheviks promote

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World War 2

13 cards

Who was the major contributor to the realism theory

What racial policy was passed by south Africa after World War 2

What was not part of the ottman empire during the reign of sultan selim

Why didnt European countries fight for their African colonies

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World War 2

10 cards

Who was the major contributor to the realism theory

What is the impact of an increase in the price of chicken on the price of hamburgers

Did NATO or Warsaw Pact operate today

How did hyperinflation contribute to the great depression

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World War 2

14 cards

Who was the major contributor to the realism theory

What racial policy was passed by south Africa after World War 2

What was not part of the ottman empire during the reign of sultan selim

Why didnt European countries fight for their African colonies

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