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Corene Breitenberg

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2y ago
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Cards in this guide (19)
Which type of soil has the largest particles


What occurs when a soluble mineral receives water through precipitation causing it to weaken


Which type of soil absorbs water more easily


What is the loop created by an old river called


What percentage of the people in the US use ground water for drinking and household usage

atleast 50%

Which type of erosion can cause mudslides


What is formed by the erosion of soft rock formations by flowing groundwater


When an oxbow becomes completely cut off from the main river it is called an

An oxbow lake

What is the term fresh water refers to water with low


What is a system of streams that connect to one primary river called

Tributaries are streams that flow into one primary river. A tributary can also flow into another stream or a lake.

In the ozone layer ozone is created when oxygen

Ozone is created by the oxygen molecules. When the UV falls on oxygen, ozone is formed.

A scientist who studies water is called a


Which devise is used to measure air pressure

A barometer is used to measure air pressure.

What is the cycle of freezing and thawing in the cracks of rocks called

ice wedges

Wind-blown silt can build up in large deposits called .

Stupid app!!!!!😑😑😑😑

The crevice through which the magma bursts is called the .


Vegetation is a source of which type of weathering


Oxidation is a source of which type of weathering


What Deflation is the movement of dust sand and rock caused by

wind A+

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According to a study for the Federal Department of Health and Human Services how much do most teenagers earn per hour

What occurs when a soluble mineral receives water through precipitation causing it to weaken

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Which type of soil has the largest particles

What occurs when an applied force causes rock to break

What river stage causes the greatest amount of erosion

Which type of boundaries cause volcanic activity and can result in the formation of islands

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Which type of soil has the largest particles

What occurs when an applied force causes rock to break

What river stage causes the greatest amount of erosion

Which type of boundaries cause volcanic activity and can result in the formation of islands

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Continental drift tagalog kahulugan

According to a study for the Federal Department of Health and Human Services how much do most teenagers earn per hour

Where are the Shiloh Indian mounds located

What river stage causes the greatest amount of erosion

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