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Orion Wisoky

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Cards in this guide (16)
The comings and goings of the president..... Is this a valid use of plural gerunds

The comings and goings of the president' is a valid use of a plural gerund. It is possible for gerunds to be plural despite how uncommon that is.

What is the difference between random assignment and random sampling

Random sampling is the sample group of subjects that are selected by chance, without bias. Random assignment is when each subject of the sample has an equal chance of being in either the experimental or control group of an experiment.

What is sandy doing when she decides to get a makeover

tying her shoes

What is a psychologist who study human thinking and information processing abilities

a cognitive therapist

Freud's psychodynamic theory of dreaming emphasizes

internal conflicts and unconscious forces.

What is social psychology is best defined as the scientific study of


When a study is designed so that neither the subjects nor the experimenters know which subjects are in the treatment group and which ones are in the control group the study is called a experime

double blind

How many stages is the life cycle presented in Erikson's psychosocial theory of development


The changeable condition that can affect the outcome of an experiment

Expiramental variable

Which primate can recognize themselves in the mirror

I Know Dolphins can............

Why do you lose photographic memory

Because it was never photographic in the first place. It was just good.

Postconventional moral reasoning is guided primarily by what

According to Lawrence Kohlberg, preconventional moral reasoning is guided mostly by compliance with authority due to the fact that authority figures give rewards and punishments.

Do nrem and rem sleep alternate through most of the sleep cycle


How would you use the word toddler in a sentence

Watch that toddler very carefully.

Which term is best defined as differences among individuals in a group


What is the memory task for most of the items in a multiple choice test


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16 cards

The comings and goings of the president..... Is this a valid use of plural gerunds

What did functionalism contribute

What is the difference between random assignment and random sampling

What is sandy doing when she decides to get a makeover

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15 cards

The comings and goings of the president..... Is this a valid use of plural gerunds

What is the difference between random assignment and random sampling

What is sandy doing when she decides to get a makeover

What is a psychologist who study human thinking and information processing abilities

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15 cards

The comings and goings of the president..... Is this a valid use of plural gerunds

What is the difference between random assignment and random sampling

What is sandy doing when she decides to get a makeover

What is a psychologist who study human thinking and information processing abilities

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16 cards

The comings and goings of the president..... Is this a valid use of plural gerunds

What is the difference between random assignment and random sampling

What is sandy doing when she decides to get a makeover

What is a psychologist who study human thinking and information processing abilities

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16 cards

The comings and goings of the president..... Is this a valid use of plural gerunds

What is the difference between random assignment and random sampling

What is sandy doing when she decides to get a makeover

What is a psychologist who study human thinking and information processing abilities

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