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Casimir Keebler

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Which scenario is the best example of public health promotion


Which event in the reading helps to categorize Odysseus a archetype

he is a warrior with an army who fights off monsters

Which statement reflects the importance of alliterative verse in an epic

it creates a pattern that's easy to remember. ig

In what way is the odyssey an epic

It has characters that change from cowards to hero's over the course of the story

What is a characteristic of grendel that is mentioned in the story

He eats human beings

Which plot structure device will most likely be used to continue the story


Which scenario portrays a round character

knowing that his next question would reveal the truth to the court the lawyer stared at his guilty client and asked the question anyway

Which statement about epics is most accurate

Epics have settings that span into a large area.

How does a writer create an individualistic storytelling experience

The main character fights internal conflicts full of personal crises - apex

Which phrase is a kenning


In the first section of Beowulf which part is most clearly the rising action

The preparations that Beowulf and his men make prior to their encounter with Grendal

Which part of the story represents the climax in the three little pigs

The final action is the wolf's drop down the chimney, which is practically the end of most versions of the story.

Which statement describes the most common characteristic of oral narratives

The audience can participate.

Which description of the cyclops as a monster is archetypal

He is hideously ugly.

Which example is presented in chronological order

The weather forecast for the week

Which sentence is the clearest example of alliteration

did dad decide dangerous dogs do drink daiquiris? APEXXX

Which part of Freytag's pyramid is best represented in this scenario


Which question is most clearly analytical in nature

What effect does beginning the story in media’s res have on the reader?

What explicit detail is the reader given about Odysseus in this passage A.Odysseus did not fear Poseidon or the other gods. B.Odysseus was not tricked by the Cyclops's question. C.Odysseus is not e

odysseus tells the cyclops that his name is nobody

What cultural value can be inferred from this passage

the gods must be given proper respect and honor

What statement from the passage most clearly establishes characterization for unferth

[T]he journey of beowulf,/ the brave seafearer, cause him chagrin. APEXX

Which comment is about the diction of a story

The author´s use of kennings allows her to maintain the rhythm of each line of poetry.-apexs

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Which scenario is the best example of public health promotion

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Which event in the reading helps to categorize Odysseus a archetype

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The Odyssey

27 cards

Which scenario is the best example of public health promotion

What is one effect that an in medias res opening is meant to have on the reader

Which event in the reading helps to categorize Odysseus a archetype

Which statement reflects the importance of alliterative verse in an epic

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2 Reviews


25 cards

Which scenario is the best example of public health promotion

In the Odyssey which character is most likely the antagonist

How does homer identify Odysseus as the protagonist of the story

In the first section of Beowulf which part is most clearly exposition

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23 cards

Which scenario is the best example of public health promotion

How do modern monsters differ from historical monsters

What is one effect that an in medias res opening is meant to have on the reader

Which statement reflects the importance of alliterative verse in an epic

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22 cards

Which scenario is the best example of public health promotion

How do modern monsters differ from historical monsters

What is one effect that an in medias res opening is meant to have on the reader

Which statement reflects the importance of alliterative verse in an epic

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