

Art History

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Eleazar Sanford

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What was the main purpose of Roman art

To indicate wealth and status

What did the ancient Romans use to decorate the floors and walls of their homes

Mosaics (apex)

What did Giotto contribute to Western art

He was the first European painter to represent realistic forms on a flat surface.

What did Duccio introduce into medieval art


Why did the artists of ancient Egypt record details of everyday life

Even daily scenes could please the gods since they governed everything.

Euphronios and Phidias were artists who lived in ancient

Euphronios and Phidias were artists who lived in Ancient Greece.

Cimabue broke the conventions of Byzantine art by

Cimabue broke the conventions of Byzantine art by giving his figuers a more natural appearance.

The focus of Greek art during the Archaic period was

the human figure and motion.

Iconoclasts were opposed to

religious art.

Robert Campin relied on symbolism in order to

convey the holiness present in even the most everyday subjects

During the Middle Ages the primary purpose of Western art was to

portray the spiritual world

Duccio specialized in what style of art


The animals painted in the Lascaux caves were

shown in lifelike poses.

Which typical feature of Egyptian artis not present in the artwork

the men have clear individual characteristics

Byzantine art was strongly influenced by


The Byzantine style introduced what into history of art


Which of theses artifacts is the oldest

The Altamira cave paintings

Look at the Merode Altarpiece by Robert campin this painting is

The first oil based triptych

Look at this drawing from an ancient Egyptian tomb. What principal does this drawing attempt to demonstrate Drawing from an ancient Egyptian tomb circa 1350 BC

the use of size to establish the importance of the main subject

Look at this painting by duccio... the painting is an early attempt at:

linear perspective

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