

A Modest Proposal

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Trisha Bode

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What is an example of a satirical drama

The play: Oh! What a lovely war by Joan Litttlewood is an example of satirical drama.

Robinson Crusoe male or female

Robinson Crusoe was male.

What is the logic in modest proposal

What is the logic in modest proposal?

What is one of the reasons that Swift gives for his proposal

Children would become valuable property.

Harvesting poor infants will reduce the number of Papists in the country.

What is one way that A Modest Proposal is ironic

The narrator's idea is ridiculous and immodest, not humble and acceptable.

Which social problem does swift most strongly address in his proposal


Social-class inequality

Why was satire popular among 18th-century English writers

Because writers wanted to expose people's flawed thinking about religious traditions

Which statement best reflects the purpose of satire

It encourages change or reform.

It reveals flaws in a society in an indirect way.

Why did Swift publish A Modest Proposal and Gulliver's Travels anonymously

Because they contained controversial political views

Because they could have gotten him in trouble with the government

Why did swift publish his ideas in satirical format

he wanted his readers to see their own errors in logic and morality

What is a sentence for consistently

He consistently attended classes related to his field.

What group is targeted negatively but indirectly by Swift in A modest Proposal

upper-class families of ireland - apex

In what way does a modest proposal fit the definition of satire

It criticizes British attitudes toward poverty in Ireland, but in an indirect way. <APEX>

Which satirical work from the 18th century criticizes the vanity of the upper classes

Pope's The Rape of the Lock

How are satire and sarcasm different

Satire is used to persuade an audience, while sarcasm is used to tell a joke

Which scenario is an example of irony

A tow truck sits on the side of the road with a flat tire waiting for assistance

Which example would most likely be considered satirical

In a novel, homeless people build cardboard-box homes in a gated neighborhood, revealing the need for social change

Which of the following words has the most dominant connotation


For which reason would writers most likely choose to write satire

they want to criticize socially accepted values (Apex)

What is the best example of a cultural value

Respect animals and pets

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What is an example of a satirical drama

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What is an example of a satirical drama

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What is an example of a satirical drama

Robinson Crusoe male or female

What is the logic in modest proposal

What is one of the reasons that Swift gives for his proposal

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What is an example of a satirical drama

What problem was Ireland facing when Swift wrote A Modest Proposal

What is one of the reasons that Swift gives for his proposal

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